All functions |
Calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC) and Area Under the first Moment Curve (AUMC) in a table format |
Choose the best-fit slope for the log(y) and x regression by the criteria of adjusted R-square. |
Determine slope for the log(y) and x regression manually |
General Area Under the Curve |
Calculate interval AUC of general form |
Interpolate y value for general y value not for concentration |
Calculate interval AUC |
Interpolate y value |
Area Under the Curve(AUC) and Area Under the first Moment Curve(AUMC) by linear trapezoidal method |
Area Under the Curve(AUC) and Area Under the first Moment Curve(AUMC) by linear-up log-down method |
Noncompartmental Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Data |
Get the Slope of regression log(y) ~ x |
Simplest NCA |
Table output of gAUCs |
Table output NCA |
Display CDISC standard units and multiplied factor of NCA results |
Retuns a conversion factor for the amount calculation from urine concentration and volume |