It calculates interval AUC of general form. This is useful for pharmacodynamic data.
gIntAUC(x, y, t1, t2, Outer = "NEAREST")
vector values of independent variable, usually time
vector values of dependent variable, usually concentration
start time for AUC
end time for AUC
indicates how to do the out of x range point
This calculates an interval (partial) AUC (from t1 to t2) with the given series of x and y.
If t1 and/or t2 cannot be found within x vector, it interpolates.
If t1 and/or t2 are out of x range, it uses the nearest value.
For concentration data, use IntAUC
return interval AUC value (scalar)
gIntAUC(Theoph[Theoph$Subject==1, "Time"], Theoph[Theoph$Subject==1, "conc"], t1=0.5, t2=11)
#> [1] 84.08191