Do multiple AUCs and returns a result table. See gNCA
for more detail i.e. iAUC
tblAUC(Data, key = "Subject", colX = "Time", colY = "Y", iAUC = "",
Ymax = "Emax", XofYmax = "TEmax", AUCname = "AUEClast", Outer = "NEAREST")
data table name
column names of Data to be shown in the output table
column name for x axis
column name for y axis
a data.frame to calculate interval AUCs
usually Cmax or Emax
usually Tmax or TEmax
usually AUClast or AUEClast
indicates how to do the out of x range point
Tabular output of AUC with many subjects. This calculates only Cmax(Emax), Tmax(TEmax), AUCs
Basically same with gAUC
tblAUC(Theoph, key="Subject", colX="Time", colY="conc")
#> Subject Emax TEmax Tfrst Tlast AUEClast
#> 1 1 10.50 1.12 0 24.37 148.92305
#> 2 2 8.33 1.92 0 24.30 91.52680
#> 3 3 8.20 1.02 0 24.17 99.28650
#> 4 4 8.60 1.07 0 24.65 106.79630
#> 5 5 11.40 1.00 0 24.35 121.29440
#> 6 6 6.44 1.15 0 23.85 73.77555
#> 7 7 7.09 3.48 0 24.22 90.75340
#> 8 8 7.56 2.02 0 24.12 88.55995
#> 9 9 9.03 0.63 0 24.43 86.32615
#> 10 10 10.21 3.55 0 23.70 138.36810
#> 11 11 8.00 0.98 0 24.08 80.09360
#> 12 12 9.75 3.52 0 24.15 119.97750
iAUC = data.frame(Name=c("AUC[0-12h]","AUC[0-24h]"), Start=c(0,0), End=c(12,24))
tblAUC(Indometh, key="Subject", colX="time", colY="conc", iAUC=iAUC)
#> Subject Emax TEmax Tfrst Tlast AUEClast AUC.0.12h. AUC.0.24h.
#> 1 1 1.50 0.25 0.25 8 1.55375 2.12875 2.72875
#> 2 2 2.03 0.25 0.25 8 2.67875 3.50625 4.46625
#> 3 3 2.72 0.25 0.25 8 2.59375 3.59375 4.55375
#> 4 4 1.85 0.25 0.25 8 2.24625 2.98875 3.82875
#> 5 5 2.05 0.25 0.25 8 1.69750 2.45000 3.17000
#> 6 6 2.31 0.25 0.25 8 2.58375 3.52125 4.60125