Chapter 3 패키지: ncar

보고서를 만드는 패키지입니다. 현재 설정된 working directory에 결과 파일이 생성됩니다.

3.1 txtNCA()

txtNCA()를 통해서 다음 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.

       dose=320, doseUnit="mg", concUnit="mg/L", timeUnit="h")
##  [1] "                        NONCOMPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS REPORT"                           
##  [2] "                       Package version 0.4.1 (2018-06-20 KST)"                      
##  [3] "                          R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)"                             
##  [4] ""                                                                                   
##  [5] "Date and Time: 2019-03-04 13:30:07 Asia/Seoul"                                      
##  [6] ""                                                                                   
##  [7] "Calculation Setting"                                                                
##  [8] "-------------------"                                                                
##  [9] "Drug Administration: Extravascular"                                                 
## [10] "Observation count excluding trailing zero: 11"                                      
## [11] "Dose at time 0: 320 mg"                                                             
## [12] "AUC Calculation Method: Linear-up Linear-down"                                      
## [13] "Weighting for lambda z: Uniform (Ordinary Least Square, OLS)"                       
## [14] "Lambda z selection criterion: Heighest adjusted R-squared value with precision=1e-4"
## [15] ""                                                                                   
## [16] ""                                                                                   
## [17] "Fitting, AUC, AUMC Result"                                                          
## [18] "-------------------------"                                                          
## [19] "      Time         Conc.      Pred.   Residual       AUC       AUMC"                
## [20] "---------------------------------------------------------------------"              
## [21] "     0.0000       0.7400                           0.0000     0.0000"               
## [22] "     0.2500       2.8400                           0.4475     0.0888"               
## [23] "     0.5700       6.5700                           1.9531     0.8015"               
## [24] "     1.1200      10.5000                           6.6474     5.0654"               
## [25] "     2.0200       9.6600                          15.7194    19.1383"               
## [26] "     3.8200       8.5800                          32.1354    66.1982"               
## [27] "     5.1000       8.3600                          42.9769   114.4617"               
## [28] "     7.0300       7.4700                          58.2529   206.2815"               
## [29] "     9.0500 *     6.8900     6.8912 -1.228e-03    72.7565   322.2988"               
## [30] "    12.1200 *     5.9400     5.9387 +1.324e-03    92.4505   528.5219"               
## [31] "    24.3700 *     3.2800     3.2801 -1.465e-04   148.9231  1459.0711"               
## [32] ""                                                                                   
## [33] "*: Used for the calculation of Lambda z."                                           
## [34] ""                                                                                   
## [35] ""                                                                                   
## [36] "Calculated Values"                                                                  
## [37] "-----------------"                                                                  
## [38] "CMAX       Max Conc                                       10.5000 mg/L"             
## [39] "CMAXD      Max Conc Norm by Dose                           0.0328 mg/L/mg"          
## [40] "TMAX       Time of CMAX                                    1.1200 h"                
## [41] "TLAG       Time Until First Nonzero Conc                   0.0000 h"                
## [42] "CLST       Last Nonzero Conc                               3.2800 mg/L"             
## [43] "CLSTP      Last Nonzero Conc Pred                          3.2801 mg/L"             
## [44] "TLST       Time of Last Nonzero Conc                      24.3700 h"                
## [45] "LAMZHL     Half-Life Lambda z                             14.3044 h"                
## [46] "LAMZ       Lambda z                                        0.0485 /h"               
## [47] "LAMZLL     Lambda z Lower Limit                            9.0500 h"                
## [48] "LAMZUL     Lambda z Upper Limit                           24.3700 h"                
## [49] "LAMZNPT    Number of Points for Lambda z                   3"                       
## [50] "CORRXY     Correlation Between TimeX and Log ConcY        -1.0000 "                 
## [51] "R2         R Squared                                       1.0000 "                 
## [52] "R2ADJ      R Squared Adjusted                              1.0000 "                 
## [53] "AUCLST     AUC to Last Nonzero Conc                      148.9231 h*mg/L"           
## [54] "AUCALL     AUC All                                       148.9231 h*mg/L"           
## [55] "AUCIFO     AUC Infinity Obs                              216.6119 h*mg/L"           
## [56] "AUCIFOD    AUC Infinity Obs Norm by Dose                   0.6769 h*mg/L/mg"        
## [57] "AUCIFP     AUC Infinity Pred                             216.6150 h*mg/L"           
## [58] "AUCIFPD    AUC Infinity Pred Norm by Dose                  0.6769 h*mg/L/mg"        
## [59] "AUCPEO     AUC %Extrapolation Obs                         31.2489 %"                
## [60] "AUCPEP     AUC %Extrapolation Pred                        31.2499 %"                
## [61] "AUMCLST    AUMC to Last Nonzero Conc                    1459.0711 h2*mg/L"          
## [62] "AUMCIFO    AUMC Infinity Obs                            4505.5348 h2*mg/L"          
## [63] "AUMCIFP    AUMC Infinity Pred                           4505.6709 h2*mg/L"          
## [64] "AUMCPEO    AUMC %Extrapolation Obs                        67.6160 %"                
## [65] "AUMCPEP    AUMC % Extrapolation Pred                      67.6170 %"                
## [66] "VZFO       Vz Obs by F                                    30.4867 L"                
## [67] "VZFP       Vz Pred by F                                   30.4863 L"                
## [68] "CLFO       Total CL Obs by F                               1.4773 L/h"              
## [69] "CLFP       Total CL Pred by F                              1.4773 L/h"              
## [70] "MRTEVLST   MRT Extravasc to Last Nonzero Conc              9.7975 h"                
## [71] "MRTEVIFO   MRT Extravasc Infinity Obs                     20.8000 h"                
## [72] "MRTEVIFP   MRT Extravasc Infinity Pred                    20.8004 h"

파일로 저장하려면 다음을 입력합니다.

                  dose=320, doseUnit="mg", concUnit="mg/L",

3.2 pdfNCA()

pdfNCA()로 pdf로 결과를 볼 수 있습니다. (Figure 3.1)

ncar::pdfNCA(fileName="Output-ncar/pdfNCA-Theoph.pdf", Theoph, key="Subject", 
             colTime="Time",  colConc="conc", dose=320, doseUnit="mg", 
             timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")
## png 
##   2
pdfNCA() output

Figure 3.1: pdfNCA() output

pdfNCA() output

Figure 3.1: pdfNCA() output

3.3 rtfNCA()

마이크로소프트 워드에서 편집가능한 rtf파일을 만듭니다.

ncar::rtfNCA(fileName="rtfNCA-Theoph.rtf", Theoph, key="Subject", 
             colTime="Time", colConc="conc", dose=320, doseUnit="mg", 
             timeUnit="h", concUnit="mg/L")