This converts the table output of sNCA to text form output.

Res2Txt(ResNCA, x, y, dose = 0, adm = "Extravascular", dur = 0, doseUnit = "mg", 
        down = "Linear")



Output table from sNCA


usually time


usually concentration


given amount


one of "Bolus" or "Infusion" or "Extravascular" to indicate drug administration mode


duration of infusion


unit of dose


either of "Linear" or "Log" to indicate the way to calculate AUC and AUMC


Text form output from the coversion of table form output


Kyun-Seop Bae <>

See also


x = Theoph[Theoph$Subject=="1","Time"] y = Theoph[Theoph$Subject=="1","conc"] z = sNCA(x, y, dose=320, doseUnit="mg", concUnit="mg/L", timeUnit="h") Res2Txt(z, x, y)
#> [1] " NONCOMPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS REPORT" #> [2] " Package version 0.4.2 (2019-09-27 KST)" #> [3] " R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)" #> [4] "" #> [5] "Date and Time: 2020-09-29 15:39:20 Asia/Seoul" #> [6] "" #> [7] "Calculation Setting" #> [8] "-------------------" #> [9] "Drug Administration: Extravascular" #> [10] "Observation count excluding trailing zero: 11" #> [11] "Dose at time 0: 0 mg" #> [12] "AUC Calculation Method: Linear-up Linear-down" #> [13] "Weighting for lambda z: Uniform (Ordinary Least Square, OLS)" #> [14] "Lambda z selection criterion: Heighest adjusted R-squared value with precision=1e-4" #> [15] "" #> [16] "" #> [17] "Fitting, AUC, AUMC Result" #> [18] "-------------------------" #> [19] " Time Conc. Pred. Residual AUC AUMC" #> [20] "---------------------------------------------------------------------" #> [21] " 0.0000 0.7400 0.0000 0.0000" #> [22] " 0.2500 2.8400 0.4475 0.0888" #> [23] " 0.5700 6.5700 1.9531 0.8015" #> [24] " 1.1200 10.5000 6.6474 5.0654" #> [25] " 2.0200 9.6600 15.7194 19.1383" #> [26] " 3.8200 8.5800 32.1354 66.1982" #> [27] " 5.1000 8.3600 42.9769 114.4617" #> [28] " 7.0300 7.4700 58.2529 206.2815" #> [29] " 9.0500 * 6.8900 6.8912 -1.228e-03 72.7565 322.2988" #> [30] " 12.1200 * 5.9400 5.9387 +1.324e-03 92.4505 528.5219" #> [31] " 24.3700 * 3.2800 3.2801 -1.465e-04 148.9231 1459.0711" #> [32] "" #> [33] "*: Used for the calculation of Lambda z." #> [34] "" #> [35] "" #> [36] "Calculated Values" #> [37] "-----------------" #> [38] "CMAX Max Conc 10.5000 mg/L" #> [39] "CMAXD Max Conc Norm by Dose 0.0328 mg/L/mg" #> [40] "TMAX Time of CMAX 1.1200 h" #> [41] "TLAG Time Until First Nonzero Conc 0.0000 h" #> [42] "CLST Last Nonzero Conc 3.2800 mg/L" #> [43] "CLSTP Last Nonzero Conc Pred 3.2801 mg/L" #> [44] "TLST Time of Last Nonzero Conc 24.3700 h" #> [45] "LAMZHL Half-Life Lambda z 14.3044 h" #> [46] "LAMZ Lambda z 0.0485 /h" #> [47] "LAMZLL Lambda z Lower Limit 9.0500 h" #> [48] "LAMZUL Lambda z Upper Limit 24.3700 h" #> [49] "LAMZNPT Number of Points for Lambda z 3" #> [50] "CORRXY Correlation Between TimeX and Log ConcY -1.0000 " #> [51] "R2 R Squared 1.0000 " #> [52] "R2ADJ R Squared Adjusted 1.0000 " #> [53] "AUCLST AUC to Last Nonzero Conc 148.9231 h*mg/L" #> [54] "AUCALL AUC All 148.9231 h*mg/L" #> [55] "AUCIFO AUC Infinity Obs 216.6119 h*mg/L" #> [56] "AUCIFOD AUC Infinity Obs Norm by Dose 0.6769 h*mg/L/mg" #> [57] "AUCIFP AUC Infinity Pred 216.6150 h*mg/L" #> [58] "AUCIFPD AUC Infinity Pred Norm by Dose 0.6769 h*mg/L/mg" #> [59] "AUCPEO AUC %Extrapolation Obs 31.2489 %" #> [60] "AUCPEP AUC %Extrapolation Pred 31.2499 %" #> [61] "AUMCLST AUMC to Last Nonzero Conc 1459.0711 h2*mg/L" #> [62] "AUMCIFO AUMC Infinity Obs 4505.5348 h2*mg/L" #> [63] "AUMCIFP AUMC Infinity Pred 4505.6709 h2*mg/L" #> [64] "AUMCPEO AUMC %Extrapolation Obs 67.6160 %" #> [65] "AUMCPEP AUMC % Extrapolation Pred 67.6170 %" #> [66] "VZFO Vz Obs by F 30.4867 L" #> [67] "VZFP Vz Pred by F 30.4863 L" #> [68] "CLFO Total CL Obs by F 1.4773 L/h" #> [69] "CLFP Total CL Pred by F 1.4773 L/h" #> [70] "MRTEVLST MRT Extravasc to Last Nonzero Conc 9.7975 h" #> [71] "MRTEVIFO MRT Extravasc Infinity Obs 20.8000 h" #> [72] "MRTEVIFP MRT Extravasc Infinity Pred 20.8004 h"